
"I love food and eat out a lot, but am not so keen on the preparation side. Can't cook, won't cook really. I do program however. The Microwave that is. So I have developed an appreciation for so called "Ready Meals". So much so, that I am using this blog as a means of keeping track of the ones I like.

I am not restricting myself to just meals, I am tracking any packaged food that I want to remember to buy again.

Here's hoping my favorites don't get discontinued!"

- Ready Meals Rock Chick

Saturday 13 November 2010

Toffee Whoopie Pies - Marks & Spencer


Quite small for Whoopie Pies, but as they are very sweet the size is fine.

Have also tried the Carrot Cake ones, which are not so successful, they are much too sweet.

Buy Again - Yes or No


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