
"I love food and eat out a lot, but am not so keen on the preparation side. Can't cook, won't cook really. I do program however. The Microwave that is. So I have developed an appreciation for so called "Ready Meals". So much so, that I am using this blog as a means of keeping track of the ones I like.

I am not restricting myself to just meals, I am tracking any packaged food that I want to remember to buy again.

Here's hoping my favorites don't get discontinued!"

- Ready Meals Rock Chick

Saturday 20 November 2010

5 reasons I dislike self service tills at Marks & Spencer

  1. I pay using my M&S card which needs a signature, so always have to find a staff member before I can leave, hardly self service.
  2. Hate the constant need to acknowledge that you do not need a bag.
  3. Never enough space to properly pack my bags (mainly because you can not use the package area without getting error messages about illegal item in baggage area).
  4. Do not like that staff invite me over to use the self service tills when I have already made my choice to be in the "real person" queue.
  5. No friendly chat with a real person.

Service tills elsewhere can be just as bad.

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